A Second Hand Morris Cowley | Avenue Work


Hazel Rolf recalls her experience growing up when her father purchased a used Morris Cowley in 1931
“Dad bought a second hand Morris Cowley car for thirty pounds and we sometimes went in it from Reading to Chertsey on Sundays to visit my Grandma and aunts.
The first time we planned to go we were all waiting in the drive and the car would not start. Dad worked on it for a while and then fetched a neighbour: eventually they got it going but we were about two hours late. The number of the car was MO 3311: it was brown with a rain hood and celluloid window frames to slot in.  As it was a lengthy job getting the hood up and the windows fixed, it had to be raining very hard before Dad would stop and see to it. Later Dad bought a second hand Morris Oxford saloon, No: PX 8961, which was entirely enclosed so more comfortable.”

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