For immigrants from Latin America, Africa, India, China, etc. you must read this article | Avenue Work


this article was published - September 15, 2019 

When I arrived in Iceland, I requested political asylum at the airport, the Icelandic police were very kind to me and I was taken to an asylum center. Icelanders told me directly: Andrei in your case are only two solutions! Or you leave voluntarily or we can listen to you but you will  get a negative answer because you are a citizen of the European Union and we will have to deport you to Romania.

On my jacket I wrote my first and last name and the link to my blog and Icelanders also read what my story is! I have a special respect for the Icelandic police for the simple reason that they gave me money for the ticket (as a gift) to leave the country! I arrived in Iceland from Poland where I also received a negative answer! I left Poland in Iceland for the simple reason that Iceland is not a member of the European Union  and my last stay in Poland was a disappointment for me!

For the simple reason that they were just watching how Moldovans and Romanians me!

The Poles understood that they were lied by Romanians and Moldovans when I arrived from Iceland to Canada and applied for asylum in Canada.

For more infortion about me open this link -

The way in which the Poles were lied by the Moldovans and the Romanians the same way Canadians was f..cked  by the Moldovans and the Romanians.

Before writing the way the Canadian and Polish Intelligence were f..cked by the FSB branch in Romania and Moldova, I will give a little introduction about the history of Moldova and Romania.

In December 1989 in Romania has been a revolution.  On one side was Ceausescu's regime and on the other was Ion Iliescu.

Ion Iliescu  joined the Communist Party in 1953 and became a member of its Central Committee in 1965 and studied in Moscow State University ( Soviet Union)  and stayed in the group in the same table with Gorbachev. Ion Iliescu  had a leading role in the Romanian Revolution, becoming the country's president in December 1989. In May 1990. Some wanted democracy and went out to destroy the Ceausist regime but the revolution was led by a communist.  Ion Iliescu  became Romania's first freely elected head of state. One communist (Ceausescu) was changed to another communist (Iliescu).

During the Romanian revolution of December Moldova was in the Soviet Union and was called the Soviet Socialist Republic of Moldova.

During the the Romanian Revolution Iurie Leancă was working in the Soviet embassy in Bucharest and another individual by the name of Dumitru Diacov was the head of the office of the official Soviet intelligence agency TASS in Bucharest.(  Information Telegraph Agency of Russia in Bucharest.)  Those who have minimal knowledge of how the Soviet Union's embassies worked during the Cold War know what these functions mean.

The Republic of Moldova gained its independence on August 27, 1991  and in March 1992 there was a war in Transnitria between Moldova and  Russian Federation. Transnistria remains until today a territory controlled by the Russian Federation.  In Moldova and in Romania people who had a membership card of the communist party they changed their name into socialists.

In Moldova, citizens who were against the Russian Federation died in very strange accidents and the rest who escaped were marginalized or isolated. While some were fighting for the Romanian language or against the Russians in the war on Nistru others dealt with privatization, buying companies that belonged to the state factories at very low prices. Former communists became capitalists!

Once the borders of the Republic of Moldova and Romania were opened, members of some organizations also came to Moldova / Romania  and those with whom they were discussing in Moldova were also former communists. Because they (former communists) controlled politics and business in Moldova.  I wrote only two names above, but such individuals are full of Moldova.

For example Vladimir Plahotniuc - when Moldova was in the Soviet Union, he was active in the KGB and his mission was to provoke foreigners through hotels with Moldovan girls. Those individuals were filmed with hidden cameras and then blackmailed.When Moldova became independent in 1991 Plahotniuc became a pimp.

Petru Lucinschi -  In 1992, he was appointed as Ambassador of Moldova in Russia. On 4 February 1993, he was elected as Speaker of the Moldovan Parliament, being re-elected on 29 March 1994 for a new term. He held the position until 1997. Lucinschi was elected Moldova's second president in November 1996. From 1971, Lucinschi was a member of the Executive Committee (Politburo) of the Central Committee of the Communist Party in Moldavian SSR.

Dumitru Diacov - Dumitru Diacov was a Moldovan MP (1994–2001, 2005-May 2009, July 2009 – 2010) and the president of the Moldovan Parliament (April 23, 1998 – March 20, 2001). He was president of the Democratic Party of Moldova (1997-June 2009) and later has been the honorary president.

Guess who became the de facto president of the party?  Vladimir Plahotniuc  was the chairman of the Democratic Party of Moldova.

Iurie Leancă - He was Minister of Foreign Affairs and European Integration from 2009 to 2013. He graduated from Moscow State Institute of International Relations. He was appointed  Prime Minister on 2013. How stupid you have to be to think that one who worked at the embassy of the Soviet Union to integrate Moldova into the European Union.

Activists from Moldova were also selected by former Communists who changed their political orientation and are now called Democrats, Socialists or businessmen.A person who has been a GRU member, KGB he will be loyal or blackmailed by the end of his life.

Communist Vladimir Voronin was the leader of the Republic of Moldova from 2001 to 2009. In April 2009 there was an anti-communist revolution in Moldova. Voronin and Plahotniuc were very scared on April 7, 2009. All the communist leaders were scared of the youth uprising! On April 7, 2009, Igor Dodon (member of the communist party) from 31 March 2008  to 14 September 2009  was  First Deputy Prime Minister and  Zinaida Greceanîi (member of the communist party)  was  the Prime Minister of Moldova from 31 March 2008  to 14 September 2009.

In October 2015 I signed up for a work and travel program (It is a program for students to move to the United States and work during the summer holidays) . I was in the last year at the Faculty of Law at the Romanian-American University in Bucharest.

Romanians understood perfectly well that I want to go to the United States for other purposes than working during the summer. My goal was to talk directly with the Americans and without Romanian intermediaries.  The Romanians did everything tas I do not get  even to the US embassy for the interview. When I understand that I won't even get to the embassy for the interview. I started calling the ones from the US embassy in Bucharest. I also sent them faxes and on May 7, 2016, on a Saturday, I went to the US embassy in Bucharest and submitted a letter.

I wrote that Igor Dodon will most likely win the next elections and we need your help to help us in the next elections. I didn't get any response.

On 13th November the runoff of the direct presidential election was held in Moldova  Igor Dodon, the leader of the pro-Russian Party of Socialists of the Republic of Moldova (PSRM) was announced the winner, with 52.11% of the vote. In October 2016, during the presidential election campaign, Igor Dodon affirmed that Crimea, the subject of a territorial dispute between Russia and Ukraine, "is a territory of the Russian Federation".

Igor Dodon was helped by Vladimir Plahotniuc and the Russians to become president!

Russians win in Moldova because Americans are very stupid to understand what's going on in Moldova!

Russians Americans like children in kindergarten and the Russians will win every time because Americans, Canadians are either corrupt or stupid. I came to Canada in December 2017. I came to Canada to talk to the Americans and the Canadians directly and without Romanian or Moldovan intermediaries but they, the Americans and the Canadians started talking to Moldovans and Romanians who want to destroy me. I usually use diplomatic language, but the Russians fucked them like idiots on the American continent. I bought the ticket to Canada for the simple reason that it was the cheapest ticket. And when I had to leave Iceland to Canada I didn't even have the money to buy a bus ticket to get to the airport. I started walking 30 kilometers in December from the asylum center to the airport,

I only went 15 because it was stopped by the cops and they took me to the airport. When I arrived in Canada, I had only $ 40 in my pocket and the $ 40 is written in brown paper. Brown paper is a temporary document for asylum seekers.

The Canadian activists were contacted by the Romanian activists and depending on the situation the Romanian / Moldovan activists told them that I am an extremist, that I am antigay, that I work for the Vatican, that I am racist, that I am gay, that I work in security services, that they came help me.

The Romanian intelligence services also contacted their Canadian colleagues! I previously said that most of the activists in Romania or Moldova are recruited by intelligence services and to help the Romanian / Moldovan activists according to the situation they told them that I am an extremist who uses force to overthrow governments, that I am Russian spy, Turkish spy , Polish spy in some situations said I am American spy or I work for the Canadian police!

Let's talk about activists from Romania! Most organizations in Romania are funded by the Soros philanthropist! Soros was born in Hungary, and Transylvania was once Hungary and now it is part of Romania. Soros organizations in Romania criticize the most vehement acts of corruption committed by the Socialist Party in Romania! It is enough that Soros is an ethnic Hungarian for socialists in Romania (former communists) to blame him, he wants Transylvania to become part of Hungary. There are a lot of Romanian activists who came to Canada to me.

I look at some and understand that they don't even know why they came or that it was lied to by the people who called them. I cannot know all the Soros activists, but I think that some of them have good intentions and simply do not know the realities of Moldova or Romania. I am not a member of any organization and I have not called anyone in Canada. No one has the right to record me or film.I don't have a phone number and I don't talk to anyone over the phone, Viber or WhatsApp. Nobody is allowed to speak or to sign on my name. From January 2018 to September 2019 I received welfare, social assistance. People who do not work receive social assistance. People who receive social assistance cannot do economic activities. Any economic activity is prohibited, it is illegal. Did Canadians know about this? Of course they knew! Because I came to Canada with $ 40 And because they also give me social assistance. If anyone says he has the permission to register me, call a Canadian cop or a Canadian prosecutor and and put me in front of this guy, and ask me: Andrei, you know this guy?  He is allowed to register you? Because a person will have to be arrested! I have no right to work and the person registering me will have to be arrested! There are two official languages in Canada: English and French. In Quebec, French is spoken and if you want to find a job you must speak french! I started studying French at the Yves-Ecrivain! and when I signed up for this center I didn't even have the money to pay the tuition fee ($ 55) and in brown paper also writes the amount I had when I arrived in Canada ($ 40). It is enough to look at me and see that I look like a homeless Canadian activists were paid by Romanian / Moldovan activists To register me as if it were a game. The management of the center Yves-Ecrivain said that your activity is illegal. But Canadian intelligence has begun to blackmail them like independist. Romanians and Moldovans who provide services for Russians who came to Canada to me they f..cked Canadian activists and the Canadian intelligence service like children.

The Government of Canada, CSIS, the Canadian police know that the activity of Moldovan / Romanian activists is illegal but they do nothing!

All the Moldovans were Romanian who came to Canada and declared they are my friends, or family members, they must be suspected of espionage in favor of Russia and the individuals in the Romanian secret services who also came to Canada should also be suspected of espionage in favor of Russia. They you, Canadians for the simple reason that I am the only Moldovan who could predict that the Russians will take Crimea, I am the only Moldovan who was able to predict in May 2016 that pro-Russian Igor Dodon will win the elections and that Igor Dodon fears that a revolution in Moldova will not happen again, as in April 2009.You have to ask yourself the question: why are so many Moldovans who want to me! Why are they afraid of me!

And for the Soros activists, for the migrants from Latin America, the African community, Chinese, Arabs, Iranians, Filipinos, Indians, etc. I wrote the first name and the link to my blog PLOPANDREW.BLOGSPOT.COM on the shirt, jacket because you must to open the site and read information about me!

 Many Canadians have been remunerated by Romanians / Moldovans and now they want to deport me from Canada for the simple reason that they have taken illegal actions!

If you are going to deport me to Moldova or Romania, I will simply be tortured and killed!!

And the Russians will win again!!

There is not any game! There are only Romanians and Moldovans working for FSB,GRU,SVR!

For more infortion about me open this link -

a) J'ai parlé, j'ai écrit que personne n'avait le droit / la permission de parler / signer en mon nom, et tous les Roumains ou les Moldaves qui sont venus au Canada et se sont présentés comme mes amis et essayent d'obtenir des informations sur chacun  mon pas, ces individus doivent être arrêtés
b) c'est très simple de découvrir la vérité: appeler un policier canadien et me mettre en face de cette personne qui se déclare comme un ami ou un membre de la famille et dit avoir la permission de me filmer / enregistrer et demander: Andrei, vous savez  cette personne?  Andrei vous confirmez qu'il a le droit de signer en ton nom?
c) Je reçois de l'aide sociale au Canada et cela signifie que je ne travaille pas et que toute activité économique est interdite / illégale.  Par conséquent, le policier devra arrêter une personne!  Moi ou l'autre qui déclare mon ami ou membre de la famille!
d) La dernière fois que j'étais en République de Moldova le 28 septembre 2010, je ne suis plus retourné en Moldavie et je n'ai aucun moyen de connaître tous les Moldaves ni tous les Roumains!
e) Je ne suis membre d'aucune organisation, je ne fais pas de bénévolat et je ne suis payé par personne et qui est venu au Canada et déclare qui est mon ami ou un membre de la famille (de RO ou MD) et dit qu'il a le droit de parler ou de signer en mon nom devrait être suspecté d'espionnage en faveur de la Russie
f) Je comprends parfaitement que si je reçois le statut de réfugié, beaucoup de personnes se retrouveront sans emploi et certaines personnes devront être arrêtées!  La question qui se pose est la suivante: les Canadiens veulent-ils connaître la vérité ou préfèrent-ils être payés et menti par les Roumains et les Moldaves qui fournissent des services aux Russes?


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