Personal Hygiene | Avenue Work


The Daily Express – Enquire Within publication of 1934, gives the reader all useful and helpful information on every day issues.
When it comes to Personal Hygiene it has some valuable advice:
Personal Hygiene
A Physicians Ten Commandments
  1. Keep a clean mind in a clean body.
  2. Keep regular hours for meals, sleep, work and play.
  3. Keep your temper, and avoid all excesses.
  4. Don’t coddle your body, but clothe it loosely, lightly and warmly.
  5. Drink water and milk, but see they are pure,
  6. Eat of the fruits of the earth, ripened by the sun.
  7. Take care of your teeth and visit the dentist regularly.
  8. If your eyes trouble you see an oculist at once.
  9. Get to know your body thoroughly and never over tax it.
  10. Take daily exercise in the open air and breathe deeply.

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